History of Science Collection

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Chemische Analyse durch Spectralbeobachtungen
von G. Kirchhoff, R. Bunsen., Caption title., Printed in Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Bd. 110, p.[161]-189 (1860).
De mundi aetherei recentioribus phaenomenis liber secundus
The 2nd volume of a projected work on recent astronomical phenomena. The 1st volume was published in 1602 under title: Astronomiae instauratae progymnasmata. The 3rd and final volume was never written. Cf. Tycho Brahe / J.L.E. Dreyer. 1890. p. 162-163., Running title: De cometa anni 1577., A reissue of the 1588 ed. with a new t.p. and added preliminary matter. Cf. Dreyer, p. 369. Pages 465-[466] are reset and the colophon is new., Dedication signed: Franciscus Gansneb Tengnagel., Signatures: *-2*⁴ A-3M⁴ 3N²., Printer statement in imprint is from colophon.
Dialogo di Vincentio Galilei nobile fiorentino della mvsica antica, et della moderna.
Title within ornamental design: printer's mark at end.
Kasagake zenki
[Ise Heizo Sadatake shirusu]., Cover title., “Secret book about the hunger of the target given continually from ancestor of Ise family.” 1846 manuscript copy by Hajime Terai from original written in 1758 by Sadatake; illustrations copied by Odani., Paul E. Klopsteg Collection., [伊勢平蔵貞丈記].
Mémoire sur les équations du mouvement relatif des systèmes de corps
par G. Coriolis., From the Journal de l'École Polytechnique publié par le Conseil d'instruction de cet établissement, Cahier 24, Tome XV.
Presented by the Embassy of Israel to George C. McGhee, Dec. 1951., Gift of the McGhee Collection.
Mukabaki no sho
[Takeda, Nobutoyo]., Cover title., Book about “leggings” (cowboy chaps); 1846 manuscript copy by Hajime Terai from 1556 original written by Nobutoyo, illustrations copied by Odani., Paul E. Klopsteg Collection., [ 武田信豊].