Indians for Indians Radio Show

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Indians for Indians Radio Show, December 23, 1947
63, Peyote Songs. War Journey Songs (5). Round Dance. Speech in Cheyenne. War Journey Songs (6). , 31, When citing recordings from this collection, please use the following: Indians for Indians Radio Show. Western History Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries.
Indians for Indians Radio Show, May 23, 1964
150, Flag Song (Kiowa) - Ralph Kotay. War Dance Songs (4) - first one led by Ralph Kotay. Round Dance Songs (4) - first one led by Ralph Kotay. 49 Songs (?) - Sung before going on a war party (?). Recorded on May 23, 1964, Studio A, WNAD, Norman, for broadcast on June 6, 1964 in commemoration of D-Day, the Normandy Invasion, June 6, 1944, twenty years ago that coming date in two weeks. , 55, When citing recordings from this collection, please use the following: Indians for Indians Radio Show. Western History Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries.