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Péking : histoire et description
par Alph. Favier, Prêtre de la Congregation de la Mission, dite de Saint-Lazare, Missionnaire Apostolique, Vicaire Général de Péking, etc., etc., etc., "660 gravures anciennes et nouvelles reproduites ou exécutées par des artistes indigènes d'après les plus précieux documents ; 124 phototypies, 24 collographies hors texte.", P. 550-552 misnumbered 560-562., Includes bibliographical references (p. xii) and index.
Athanasii Kircheri e Soc. Jesu China monumentis : quà sacris quà profanis, nec non variis naturæ & artis spectaculis, aliarumque rerum memorabilium argumentis illustrata, auspiciis Leopoldi Primi.
Monumenti syro-sinici interpretatio -- De variis itineribus in Chinam susceptis -- De idololatria ex Occidente primùm in Persidem, Indiam ac deindè in ultimas Orientis, Tartariæ, Chinæ, Japponiæ regiones successivâ propagatione introducta -- China curiosis naturæ & artis miraculis illustrata -- De architectonica cæterisque mechanicis artibus Sinensium -- De Sinensium literatura., Added t.-p., engraved., "Elenchus librorum a P. Athanasio Kirchero ... editorum": 2 p. at end., Signatures: *-**(superscript 4), A-Z(superscript 4), Aa-Hh(superscript 4)., Includes index., Text in Arabic, Latin, and Sanskrit.
The anatomy of a pygmy compared with that of a monkey, an ape, and a man : with an essay concerning the Pygmies, &c. of the antients : wherein it will appear that they are all either apes or monkies, and not men, as formerly pretended : to which is added,
being the works of Edward Tyson ... ; adorn'd with copper-plates, engraved by M. van der Gucht., Originally published as Orang-outang, sive homo sylvestris (London, 1699)., "This edition would seem to be made up of the sheets of the 1699 issue with a new title and the addition of 78 p., 8 plates."--Russell., A majority of the plates signed Michael Burghers., Signatures: A² B-O⁴ P², B-H⁴, A-K⁴., Publisher's advertisements: p. [1]-[2] (7th group)., Handwritten notes throughout text., Includes bibliographical references.
An astronomical catechism : or, Dialogues between a mother and her daughter
by Catherine Vale Whitwell ; illustrated with numerous engravings., Book plate: Ex Libris Docteur R. Rickeart., Includes bibliographical references.
Über Ammoniten : über ihre Sonderung in Familien, über die Arten, welche in den älteren Gebirgsschichten vorkommen, und über Goniatiten insbesondere
von Leopold von Buch., "Zwei in der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften gelesene Abhandlungen.", Offprint from Abhand. K. Akad. Wiss., Berlin, 1830, p. 135-158, 159-188., Stamp on t.p.: F.F. Bibliothek Donaueschingen., With: Über Terebrateln : mit einem Versuch, sie zu classificiren und zu beschreiben / von Leopold von Buch. Berlin : Königl. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1834.
Lithographiæ Wirceburgensis : ducentis lapidum figuratorum, a potiori, insectiformium, prodigiosis imaginibus, exornatæ specimen primum ...
præside ... Joanne Bartholomæo Adamo Beringer ... ; submittit Georgius Ludovicus Hueber ..., Signatures: )(², )(² A-Z², ²A-C²., Head- and tail-pieces; engraved frontispiece., Includes errata., Book plate: Ex Libris Melvin Edward Jahn., Thesis--Würzburg., Includes bibliographical references (p. 15-17).
Prose de' signori accademici Gelati di Bologna ...
Discorso sopra le giostre, ed i tornei / Berlingiero Gessi -- Ristretto del trattato dell'arme delle famiglie intitolato l'Araldo / Gasparo Bombaci -- Dell'imprese accademiche lettera discorsiua / Francesco Carmeni -- Della filosofia morale / Alberto Caprara -- Perche nelle cantilene si adoperi la quinta diminuita, e la quarta superflua e non questa diminuita e quella superflua : come altres`i, per qual ragione si rigetti ogni sorte d'interuallo, o sia superfluo, o sia diminuito dalla Ottaua / Battista Sanuti Pellicani -- Cagioni fisiche degli effetti simpatici, ed antipatici / Ercolagostino Berò -- Che ogni scrittore illustrar dee l'idioma natiuo & anche arricchirlo talora con alcune forme giudiciosamente portate dal Latino / Giouanfrancesco Bonomi -- Della tragedia / Innocenzo Maria Fiorauanti -- Dell'isopo di Salomone / Ouidio Montalbani -- La politica, e la ragion di stato vnitamente con istorici tratti abbozzate / Alessandro Barbieri -- Il marmo augustale, in cui dichiarandosi vna antica iscrizione si ragiona copiosamente delle Terme, Bagni, Esercizi, e Giuochi degli antichi Romani / Giouambattista Capponi -- Delle sette de'filosofi, e del genio di filosofare / Antonio Felice Marsili -- Della musica / Girolamo Desideri -- Del metter' in carta / Angelmichele Guastauillani -- Sopra la sparizione d'alcune stelle, & altre nouità celesti / Geminiano Montanari., pubblicate sotto il principato accademico del Sig co. Valerio Zani., Edited by G.B. Capponi., Each contribution has author's emblem., P. 161-168 numbered on one side only., Library copy imperfect: p. 393-400 bound before p. 385., Signatures: A-V⁴ X⁸ Y-3H⁴., Engraved t.p.; head- and tail-pieces., Handwritten notes throughout text., Gift of James G. Harlow., Includes bibliographical references and index.
Wondertooneel der nature : geopent in eene korte beschryvinge der hoofddeelen van de byzondere zeldsaamheden daar in begrepen : in orde gebragt en bewaart
door Levinus Vincent., Part 2 has individual t.p. with title: Het tweede deel of vervolg van het Wondertooneel der natuur ... ; and imprint: Te Amsteldam : Gedrukt voor den Autheur, en zijn te bekoomen bij Gerard Valk ..., 1715., Includes errata., Tail-pieces., Includes indexes.
Description of a glass apparatus, for making mineral waters, like those of Pyrmont, Spa, Seltzer, &c., in a few minutes, and with a very little expence : together with the description of some new eudiometers, or instruments for ascertaining the wholsomene
in a letter to the Rev. Dr. Priestley ; by J.H. de Magellan., Handwritten notes on p. 3., Includes bibliographical references., With: De la richesse minérale / M. Héron de Villefosse. Paris : J.B. Sajou, 1811.