History of Science Collection

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Catalogus stellarum australium : sive, supplementum Catalogi Tychonici exhibens longitudines & latitudines stellarum fixarum, quae, prope polum antarcticum sitae, in horizonte Uraniburgico Tychoni inconspicuae fuere, accurato calculo ex distantiis supputa
authore Edmundo Halleio., French ed. published in Paris in the same year., Signatures: []² a² b¹ B⁴ C² []² A-C² D¹., A table of the right ascensions and distances of the principal southern stars, from the South pole; ... fitted to the beginning of the year of our Lord 1678. p. [29-40]
De stella nova in pede Serpentarii
et qui sub ejus exortum de novo iniit, trigono igneo. Libellus astronomicis, physicis, metaphysicus, meteorologicis & astrologicis disputationibus ... plenus. Accesserunt I. De stella incognita Cygni: narratio astronomica. II. De Jesv Christi Servatoris vero anno natalitio, consideratio novissim sententi Lavrentii Svslyg Poloni, quatuor annos in usitata epocha desiderantis., Parts [2]-[4] each have special t.-p.; part [1]-[3] paged continuously., Part [3] has imprint: Francofvrti, 1606; part [4] has imprint: Francofvrti, W. Richteri, 1606., Signatures: )?(A-CcDdA-E(E blank)
Monumenta aere perenniora, inter astra ponenda.
von Maximilian Hell kaiserl. königl. Hofastronomen an der Universität zu Wien, im Jahre 1789 der astronomischen Republik gewidmet. Aus dem Lateinischen übersetzt von Anton Jungnitz Mitglied des königl. Preußischen Schulen-Institus, und Astronom an der Universität zu Breßlau in Schlesien., German; Fraktur
Atlas coelestis
By the late Reverend Mr. John Flamsteed, regius professor of astronomy at Greenwich., Engr. title vignette, head and tail pieces.
Atlas celeste de Flamsteed
approuve par l'Academie royal des sciences, et publie sous le privilege de cette compagnie.
Atlas coelestis
By the late Reverend Mr. John Flamsteed, regius professor of astronomy at Greenwich., Engr. title vignette, head and tail pieces.