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(25 - 48 of 441)
De la pirotechnia. Libri .x. dove ampiamente si tratta non solo di ogni sorte & diuersita di miniere, ma anchora quanto si ricerca intorno a la prattica di quelle cose di quel che si appartiene a l'arte de la fusione ouer gitto de metalli come d'ogni altr
De la pirotechnia. Libri .x. dove ampiamente si tratta non solo di ogni sorte & diuersita di miniere, ma anchora quanto si ricerca intorno a la prattica di quelle cose di quel che si appartiene a l'arte de la fusione ouer gitto de metalli come d'ogni altr
Le grand et espovventable prodige, arrivé av royaume de Naples, en la prouince de la Poüille, le Vendredy 30. de Iuillet 1627 : là où se void la desolation de plusieurs villes & chasteaux, & autres lieux: avec la mort de plus de dix-sept-milles person
Le grand et espovventable prodige, arrivé av royaume de Naples, en la prouince de la Poüille, le Vendredy 30. de Iuillet 1627 : là où se void la desolation de plusieurs villes & chasteaux, & autres lieux: avec la mort de plus de dix-sept-milles person
Gli arcani delle stelle intorno a i più notabili euenti nelle cose del mondo per l'anno MDCXLIX. Discorso astrologico.
Gli arcani delle stelle intorno a i più notabili euenti nelle cose del mondo per l'anno MDCXLIX. Discorso astrologico.
De lateribvs et angvlis triangulorum, tum planorum rectilineorum, tum sphæricorum, libellus eruditissimus & utilissimus, cum ad plerasque Ptolemæi demonstrationes intelligendas, tum uero ad alia multa
De lateribvs et angvlis triangulorum, tum planorum rectilineorum, tum sphæricorum, libellus eruditissimus & utilissimus, cum ad plerasque Ptolemæi demonstrationes intelligendas, tum uero ad alia multa
Qi qi tu shuo
Qi qi tu shuo
Almagestum novum astronomiam veterem novamque complectens observationibus aliorum, et propriis nouisque theorematibus, problematibus, ac tabulis promotam, in tres tomos distributam.
Almagestum novum astronomiam veterem novamque complectens observationibus aliorum, et propriis nouisque theorematibus, problematibus, ac tabulis promotam, in tres tomos distributam.
The elements of geometrie of the most auncient philosopher Evclide of Megara.
The elements of geometrie of the most auncient philosopher Evclide of Megara.
Lexicon mathematicvm : hoc est rerum omnium ad vniuersam planè mathesim quoquo modo, directè, vel indirectè spectantium, collectio, et explicatio ...
Lexicon mathematicvm : hoc est rerum omnium ad vniuersam planè mathesim quoquo modo, directè, vel indirectè spectantium, collectio, et explicatio ...
Hieronymi Cardani ... In Cl. Polemaei Pelusiensis. IIII de astrorum iudicijs, aut, ut vulgo vocant, quadripartitae constructionis, libros commentaria ... Nunc primum in lucem aedita. Praeterea, eiusdem Hier. Cardani Geniturarum XII ... exempla. Atque alia
Hieronymi Cardani ... In Cl. Polemaei Pelusiensis. IIII de astrorum iudicijs, aut, ut vulgo vocant, quadripartitae constructionis, libros commentaria ... Nunc primum in lucem aedita. Praeterea, eiusdem Hier. Cardani Geniturarum XII ... exempla. Atque alia
A discovery of a new world, or, A discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another habitable world in the moon. With a discourse concerning the probability of a passage thither. Unto which is added, A discourse concerning a new planet,
A discovery of a new world, or, A discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another habitable world in the moon. With a discourse concerning the probability of a passage thither. Unto which is added, A discourse concerning a new planet,
The theory of the earth: containing an account of the original of the earth, and of all the general changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo, till the consummation of all things.
The theory of the earth: containing an account of the original of the earth, and of all the general changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo, till the consummation of all things.
Opticks: or, A treatise of the reflections, refractions, inflexions and colours of light.
Opticks: or, A treatise of the reflections, refractions, inflexions and colours of light.
A voyage to the islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica, with the natural history of the herbs and trees, four-footed beasts, fishes, birds, insects, reptiles, &c. of the last of those islands; to which is prefix'd an introduction, w
A voyage to the islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica, with the natural history of the herbs and trees, four-footed beasts, fishes, birds, insects, reptiles, &c. of the last of those islands; to which is prefix'd an introduction, w
Albertus Durerus Nurembergensis pictor huius aetatis celeberrimus, versus è Germanica lingua in Latinum ... Quatuor his suaru[m] Institutionum geometricarum libris ... denuo ad scripti exemplaris fidem omnia diligenter recognita, emendatius iam in lucem e
Albertus Durerus Nurembergensis pictor huius aetatis celeberrimus, versus è Germanica lingua in Latinum ... Quatuor his suaru[m] Institutionum geometricarum libris ... denuo ad scripti exemplaris fidem omnia diligenter recognita, emendatius iam in lucem e
Discorso al serenissimo Don Cosimo II, gran dvca di Toscana, intorno alle cose, che stanno in su l'acqua, o che in quella si muouono.
Discorso al serenissimo Don Cosimo II, gran dvca di Toscana, intorno alle cose, che stanno in su l'acqua, o che in quella si muouono.
Essays on the microscope; containing a practical description of the most improved microscope, a general history of insects ... an account of the various species and singular properties of the Hydrae and Vortivellae, a description of three undred and seven
Essays on the microscope; containing a practical description of the most improved microscope, a general history of insects ... an account of the various species and singular properties of the Hydrae and Vortivellae, a description of three undred and seven
Anothomia Mondini nuper optime emẽdata ac sũma diligẽtia ĩpressa.
Anothomia Mondini nuper optime emẽdata ac sũma diligẽtia ĩpressa.
Histoire du ciel considere selon les idees des poetes, des philosophes, et de Moise. Ou l'on fait voir. 1 degrees L'origine du ciel poetique. 2 degrees La meprise des philosophes sur la fabrique du ciel & de la terre. 3 degrees La conformite de l'experien
Histoire du ciel considere selon les idees des poetes, des philosophes, et de Moise. Ou l'on fait voir. 1 degrees L'origine du ciel poetique. 2 degrees La meprise des philosophes sur la fabrique du ciel & de la terre. 3 degrees La conformite de l'experien
Physica : oder, Natur-Wissenschafft
Physica : oder, Natur-Wissenschafft
Le operazioni del compasso geometrico, et militare.
Le operazioni del compasso geometrico, et militare.
Laws, etc.
Laws, etc.
Exercitationes de generatione animalium : quibus accedunt quædam de partu de membranis ac humoribus uteri & de conceptione
Exercitationes de generatione animalium : quibus accedunt quædam de partu de membranis ac humoribus uteri & de conceptione
Lezioni tre sopra il tremoto.
Lezioni tre sopra il tremoto.