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(1 - 24 of 597)
United States exploring expedition : during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842
United States exploring expedition : during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842
Summa theologica.
Summa theologica.
Opere del famosissimo Nicolo Tartaglia cioè Quesiti, Trauagliata inuentione, Noua scientia, Ragionamenti sopra Archimede ...
Opere del famosissimo Nicolo Tartaglia cioè Quesiti, Trauagliata inuentione, Noua scientia, Ragionamenti sopra Archimede ...
Traite des poisons tires des regnes mineral, vegetal et animal; ou, Toxicologie generale, consideree sous les rapports de la physiologie, de la pathologie et de la medecine legale
Traite des poisons tires des regnes mineral, vegetal et animal; ou, Toxicologie generale, consideree sous les rapports de la physiologie, de la pathologie et de la medecine legale
The natural history of the human teeth; explaining their structure, use, formation, growth, and diseases. To which is added A practical treatise on the diseases of the teeth.
The natural history of the human teeth; explaining their structure, use, formation, growth, and diseases. To which is added A practical treatise on the diseases of the teeth.
A discovery of a new world, or, A discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another habitable world in the moon. With a discourse concerning the probability of a passage thither. Unto which is added, A discourse concerning a new planet,
A discovery of a new world, or, A discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another habitable world in the moon. With a discourse concerning the probability of a passage thither. Unto which is added, A discourse concerning a new planet,
Almagestum novum astronomiam veterem novamque complectens observationibus aliorum, et propriis nouisque theorematibus, problematibus, ac tabulis promotam, in tres tomos distributam.
Almagestum novum astronomiam veterem novamque complectens observationibus aliorum, et propriis nouisque theorematibus, problematibus, ac tabulis promotam, in tres tomos distributam.
Wondertooneel der nature : geopent in eene korte beschryvinge der hoofddeelen van de byzondere zeldsaamheden daar in begrepen : in orde gebragt en bewaart
Wondertooneel der nature : geopent in eene korte beschryvinge der hoofddeelen van de byzondere zeldsaamheden daar in begrepen : in orde gebragt en bewaart
A discovery of a new world, or, A discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another habitable world in the moon. With a discourse concerning the probability of a passage thither. Unto which is added, A discourse concerning a new planet,
A discovery of a new world, or, A discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another habitable world in the moon. With a discourse concerning the probability of a passage thither. Unto which is added, A discourse concerning a new planet,
Physica : oder, Natur-Wissenschafft
Physica : oder, Natur-Wissenschafft
Musurgia vniuersalis, siue, Ars magna consoni et dissoni in X libros digesta : quáa vniuersa sonorum doctrina, & philosophia, musicaeque tam theoricae, quam practicae scientia, summa varietate traditur ; admirandae consoni, & dissoni in mundo, adeáoque vn
Musurgia vniuersalis, siue, Ars magna consoni et dissoni in X libros digesta : quáa vniuersa sonorum doctrina, & philosophia, musicaeque tam theoricae, quam practicae scientia, summa varietate traditur ; admirandae consoni, & dissoni in mundo, adeáoque vn
United States exploring expedition : during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842
United States exploring expedition : during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842
First [and second] report on the facts of earthquake phaenomena.
First [and second] report on the facts of earthquake phaenomena.
Epitome astronomiae Copernicanæ : usitatâ formâ quæstionum & responsionum conscripta, inq[ue] VII. libros digesta, quorum tres hi priores sunt de doctrina sphæricâ ...
Epitome astronomiae Copernicanæ : usitatâ formâ quæstionum & responsionum conscripta, inq[ue] VII. libros digesta, quorum tres hi priores sunt de doctrina sphæricâ ...
Auicennae Arabum medicorum principis
Auicennae Arabum medicorum principis
Epitome astronomiae Copernicanæ : usitatâ formâ quæstionum & responsionum conscripta, inq[ue] VII. libros digesta, quorum tres hi priores sunt de doctrina sphæricâ ...
Epitome astronomiae Copernicanæ : usitatâ formâ quæstionum & responsionum conscripta, inq[ue] VII. libros digesta, quorum tres hi priores sunt de doctrina sphæricâ ...
De motv animalivm Io. Alphonsi Borelli neapolitani matheseos professoris : opus posthumum.
De motv animalivm Io. Alphonsi Borelli neapolitani matheseos professoris : opus posthumum.
Hippocratis coi Opera qvae extant Graece et Latine veterum codicum collatione restituta
Hippocratis coi Opera qvae extant Graece et Latine veterum codicum collatione restituta
Encyclopédie méthodique : chymie, pharmacie et métallurgie
Encyclopédie méthodique : chymie, pharmacie et métallurgie
Encyclopédie méthodique : chymie, pharmacie et métallurgie
Encyclopédie méthodique : chymie, pharmacie et métallurgie
De natuurlyke historie der insecten : voorzien met naar 't leven getekende en gekoleurde plaaten
De natuurlyke historie der insecten : voorzien met naar 't leven getekende en gekoleurde plaaten
Phytographia curiosa
Phytographia curiosa
Merci des enfants de France aux enfants des U.S.A. aux enfants de l'Oklahoma
Merci des enfants de France aux enfants des U.S.A. aux enfants de l'Oklahoma