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Editorial on L.C. Perryman, Wagoner Record, May 30, 1895.
Editorial on L.C. Perryman, Wagoner Record, May 30, 1895.
Letter of L.C. Perryman to Edward Bullett, Wagoner Record, August 9, 1895.
Letter of L.C. Perryman to Edward Bullett, Wagoner Record, August 9, 1895.
Creek Nation Troubles Ended, Claremore Progress, July 13, 1895.
Creek Nation Troubles Ended, Claremore Progress, July 13, 1895.
Editorial on L.C. Perryman, Fairland News, August 16, 1895.
Editorial on L.C. Perryman, Fairland News, August 16, 1895.
Editorial on L.C. Perryman, The Duncan Banner, July 12, 1895.
Editorial on L.C. Perryman, The Duncan Banner, July 12, 1895.
Message of L.C. Perryman, to the National Council, January 23, 1895.
Message of L.C. Perryman, to the National Council, January 23, 1895.
Editorial on L.C. Perryman, The Talihina News, May 30, 1895.
Editorial on L.C. Perryman, The Talihina News, May 30, 1895.
Editorial on L.C. Perryman, Wagoner Record, May 17, 1895.
Editorial on L.C. Perryman, Wagoner Record, May 17, 1895.
Editorial on speech of John S. Little, The Afton News, February 1, 1895.
Editorial on speech of John S. Little, The Afton News, February 1, 1895.
Bill No. 41.  A proposed act for the relief of Wm. Johnston, ex-sheriff of Tobucksy County to the amount of $250.00. Passed house November 5, 1895. Passed Senate November 7, 1895. Approved November 8, 1895.
Bill No. 41. A proposed act for the relief of Wm. Johnston, ex-sheriff of Tobucksy County to the amount of $250.00. Passed house November 5, 1895. Passed Senate November 7, 1895. Approved November 8, 1895.
Bill No. 39. A act admitting Plummers to citizenship. Passed House November 6, 1895. Passed Senate November 7, 1895. Approved November 8, 1895.
Bill No. 39. A act admitting Plummers to citizenship. Passed House November 6, 1895. Passed Senate November 7, 1895. Approved November 8, 1895.
Bill No. 36. A proposed act admitting certain Choctaws from Mississippi to citizenship in the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate November 4, 1895. Passed House and approved November 5, 1895.
Bill No. 36. A proposed act admitting certain Choctaws from Mississippi to citizenship in the Choctaw Nation. Passed Senate November 4, 1895. Passed House and approved November 5, 1895.
A proposed act admitting Bill Baker and other Mississippi Indians to citizenship. Passed House and Senate November 8, 1895. Approved November 9, 1895.
A proposed act admitting Bill Baker and other Mississippi Indians to citizenship. Passed House and Senate November 8, 1895. Approved November 9, 1895.
Bill No. 49. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of James Bower, collector of First District. Passed and approved November 9, 1895.
Bill No. 49. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of James Bower, collector of First District. Passed and approved November 9, 1895.
Bill No. 53. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of E.M. Everidge, coal inspector for the year ending October 1, 1895.
Bill No. 53. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of E.M. Everidge, coal inspector for the year ending October 1, 1895.
Bill No. 48. A proposed act for the relief of Indian Police. Passed House and Senate November 8, 1895. Approved November 9, 1895.
Bill No. 48. A proposed act for the relief of Indian Police. Passed House and Senate November 8, 1895. Approved November 9, 1895.
Bill No. 47. A proposed act for the relief of A. Telle to the amount of $15.00 for acting as proxy. Passed House November 8, 1895. Passed Senate and approved November 9, 1895.
Bill No. 47. A proposed act for the relief of A. Telle to the amount of $15.00 for acting as proxy. Passed House November 8, 1895. Passed Senate and approved November 9, 1895.
Bill No. 46. A proposed act to enable T.W. Hunter, Superintendent of Armstrong Academy to repair the Armstrong Academy. Passed and approved November 9, 1895.
Bill No. 46. A proposed act to enable T.W. Hunter, Superintendent of Armstrong Academy to repair the Armstrong Academy. Passed and approved November 9, 1895.
Bill No. 44. A proposed act to admit Louisa Trahern and his children as citizens. Passed House November 6, 1895. Passed Senate and approved November 9, 1895.
Bill No. 44. A proposed act to admit Louisa Trahern and his children as citizens. Passed House November 6, 1895. Passed Senate and approved November 9, 1895.
Bill No. 50. A resolution to appropriate and pay $137.00 to G.W. Thompson for capitol improvement. Approved November 9, 1895.
Bill No. 50. A resolution to appropriate and pay $137.00 to G.W. Thompson for capitol improvement. Approved November 9, 1895.
Bill No. 43. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of T.W. Hunter. Passed House November 8, 1895. Passed Senate and approved November 9, 1895.
Bill No. 43. A resolution to accept as true and correct the report of T.W. Hunter. Passed House November 8, 1895. Passed Senate and approved November 9, 1895.
Bill No. 37. A proposed act to remove an election precinct in Eagle County. Passed Senate November 5, 1895. Passed House and approved November 6, 1895.
Bill No. 37. A proposed act to remove an election precinct in Eagle County. Passed Senate November 5, 1895. Passed House and approved November 6, 1895.
Bill No. 42. A proposed act to appoint one additional inspector. Passed House November 7, 1895. Passed Senate November 8, 1895. Approved November 9, 1895.
Bill No. 42. A proposed act to appoint one additional inspector. Passed House November 7, 1895. Passed Senate November 8, 1895. Approved November 9, 1895.
Bill No. 35. A proposed act for the relief of Thomas W. Hunter to the amount of $45.00. Passed and approved November 5, 1895.
Bill No. 35. A proposed act for the relief of Thomas W. Hunter to the amount of $45.00. Passed and approved November 5, 1895.