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(1 - 24 of 67)
A week's conversation on the plurality of worlds.
A week's conversation on the plurality of worlds.
United States exploring expedition : during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842
United States exploring expedition : during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842
The book of the great sea-dragons, Ichthyosauri and Plesiosauri, [gedolim taninim] gedolim taninim, of Moses. Extinct monsters of the ancient earth. With thirty plates, copied from skeletons in the author's collection of fossil organic remains, (deposited
The book of the great sea-dragons, Ichthyosauri and Plesiosauri, [gedolim taninim] gedolim taninim, of Moses. Extinct monsters of the ancient earth. With thirty plates, copied from skeletons in the author's collection of fossil organic remains, (deposited
United States internal revenue. Annual taxes, 1865.
United States internal revenue. Annual taxes, 1865.
Map of Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory
Map of Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory
Monographie des poissons fossiles du vieux grès rouge ou système Dévonien (old red sandstone) des Iles Britanniques et de Russie
Monographie des poissons fossiles du vieux grès rouge ou système Dévonien (old red sandstone) des Iles Britanniques et de Russie
Abbildung und Beschreibung deß wunderwürdigen unvergleichlichen Cometen : der erstmals zu Anfang deß Wintermonats vor Aufgang der Sonnen erschienen, und anjetzt nach derselben Untergang sich entsetzlich sehen lässet.
Abbildung und Beschreibung deß wunderwürdigen unvergleichlichen Cometen : der erstmals zu Anfang deß Wintermonats vor Aufgang der Sonnen erschienen, und anjetzt nach derselben Untergang sich entsetzlich sehen lässet.
[Solar eclipse, August 19, 1887]
[Solar eclipse, August 19, 1887]
Opticks: or, A treatise of the reflections, refractions, inflexions and colours of light.
Opticks: or, A treatise of the reflections, refractions, inflexions and colours of light.
The history of Bath.
The history of Bath.
United States exploring expedition : during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842
United States exploring expedition : during the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842
Vollständiger himmels Atlas für Freunde und Liebhaber der Sternkunde nach den vorzüglichsten Hilfsquellen und eigenen Beobachtungen gezeichnet.
Vollständiger himmels Atlas für Freunde und Liebhaber der Sternkunde nach den vorzüglichsten Hilfsquellen und eigenen Beobachtungen gezeichnet.
Map of the United States of America, the British provinces, Mexico, the West Indies and Central America, with part of New Granada and Venezuela
Map of the United States of America, the British provinces, Mexico, the West Indies and Central America, with part of New Granada and Venezuela
Considerazioni al Tasso di Galileo Galilei e Discorso di Giuseppe Iseo sopra il poema di M. Torquato Tasso per dimostrazione di alcuni luoghi in diversi autori da lui felicemente emulati.
Considerazioni al Tasso di Galileo Galilei e Discorso di Giuseppe Iseo sopra il poema di M. Torquato Tasso per dimostrazione di alcuni luoghi in diversi autori da lui felicemente emulati.
An original theory or new hypothesis of the universe, founded upon the laws of nature, and solving by mathematical principles the general phnomena of the visible creation; and particularly the via lactea.
An original theory or new hypothesis of the universe, founded upon the laws of nature, and solving by mathematical principles the general phnomena of the visible creation; and particularly the via lactea.
Il regno della China detto presentemente Catay, e Mangin, diuiso sopra le Carte più esatte nelle sue Principali Prouincie
Il regno della China detto presentemente Catay, e Mangin, diuiso sopra le Carte più esatte nelle sue Principali Prouincie
Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes.
Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes.
The moon: considered as a planet, a world, and a satellite.
The moon: considered as a planet, a world, and a satellite.
Evenings at the microscope, or, Researches among the minuter organs and forms of animal life
Evenings at the microscope, or, Researches among the minuter organs and forms of animal life
Trattato della sfera di Galileo Galilei : con alcune prattiche intorno a quella, e modo di fare la figura celeste, e suoi direttioni, secondo la via rationale
Trattato della sfera di Galileo Galilei : con alcune prattiche intorno a quella, e modo di fare la figura celeste, e suoi direttioni, secondo la via rationale
A dobsinai jégbarlang ... Die eishöhle von Dobschau. Im auftrage der K. Ungarischen naturwissenschaftlichen gesellschaft untersucht und beschrieben
A dobsinai jégbarlang ... Die eishöhle von Dobschau. Im auftrage der K. Ungarischen naturwissenschaftlichen gesellschaft untersucht und beschrieben
Essai sur la geographie mineralogique des environs de Paris, avec une carte geognostique, et des coupes de terrain
Essai sur la geographie mineralogique des environs de Paris, avec une carte geognostique, et des coupes de terrain
Europ IIII Tab.
Europ IIII Tab.
A deliniation of the strata of England and Wales, with part of Scotland; exhibiting the collieries and mines, the marshes and fen lands originally overflowed by the sea, and the varieties of soil according to the variations in the substrata, illustrated b
A deliniation of the strata of England and Wales, with part of Scotland; exhibiting the collieries and mines, the marshes and fen lands originally overflowed by the sea, and the varieties of soil according to the variations in the substrata, illustrated b