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(1 - 24 of 67)
Dissertatio philosophico-astronomica de motu terrae et phaenomenis inde oriudis, quam consentiente amplissimo philosophorum ordine pro loco in eodem rite capessendo die Nov. MDCCLVI. publico eruditorum examini subiiciet praeses M. Ioannes Ernestus Basiliu
Dissertatio philosophico-astronomica de motu terrae et phaenomenis inde oriudis, quam consentiente amplissimo philosophorum ordine pro loco in eodem rite capessendo die Nov. MDCCLVI. publico eruditorum examini subiiciet praeses M. Ioannes Ernestus Basiliu
The book of the great sea-dragons, Ichthyosauri and Plesiosauri, [gedolim taninim] gedolim taninim, of Moses. Extinct monsters of the ancient earth. With thirty plates, copied from skeletons in the author's collection of fossil organic remains, (deposited
The book of the great sea-dragons, Ichthyosauri and Plesiosauri, [gedolim taninim] gedolim taninim, of Moses. Extinct monsters of the ancient earth. With thirty plates, copied from skeletons in the author's collection of fossil organic remains, (deposited
An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations
An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations
Chemische Analyse durch Spectralbeobachtungen
Chemische Analyse durch Spectralbeobachtungen
A true and exact relation of the late prodigious earthquake & eruption of mount Ætna, or Monte-Gibello; as it came in a letter written to His Majesty from Naples
A true and exact relation of the late prodigious earthquake & eruption of mount Ætna, or Monte-Gibello; as it came in a letter written to His Majesty from Naples
De mundi aetherei recentioribus phaenomenis liber secundus
De mundi aetherei recentioribus phaenomenis liber secundus
Dialogo di Vincentio Galilei nobile fiorentino della mvsica antica, et della moderna.
Dialogo di Vincentio Galilei nobile fiorentino della mvsica antica, et della moderna.
Kasagake zenki
Kasagake zenki
Le grand et espovventable prodige, arrivé av royaume de Naples, en la prouince de la Poüille, le Vendredy 30. de Iuillet 1627 : là où se void la desolation de plusieurs villes & chasteaux, & autres lieux: avec la mort de plus de dix-sept-milles person
Le grand et espovventable prodige, arrivé av royaume de Naples, en la prouince de la Poüille, le Vendredy 30. de Iuillet 1627 : là où se void la desolation de plusieurs villes & chasteaux, & autres lieux: avec la mort de plus de dix-sept-milles person
Qi qi tu shuo
Qi qi tu shuo
[Solar eclipse, August 19, 1887]
[Solar eclipse, August 19, 1887]
Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Musurgia vniuersalis, siue, Ars magna consoni et dissoni in X libros digesta : quáa vniuersa sonorum doctrina, & philosophia, musicaeque tam theoricae, quam practicae scientia, summa varietate traditur ; admirandae consoni, & dissoni in mundo, adeáoque vn
Musurgia vniuersalis, siue, Ars magna consoni et dissoni in X libros digesta : quáa vniuersa sonorum doctrina, & philosophia, musicaeque tam theoricae, quam practicae scientia, summa varietate traditur ; admirandae consoni, & dissoni in mundo, adeáoque vn
Manuscript notes and drawings of Mr. George Cumberland of Bristol
Manuscript notes and drawings of Mr. George Cumberland of Bristol
Vollständiger himmels Atlas für Freunde und Liebhaber der Sternkunde nach den vorzüglichsten Hilfsquellen und eigenen Beobachtungen gezeichnet.
Vollständiger himmels Atlas für Freunde und Liebhaber der Sternkunde nach den vorzüglichsten Hilfsquellen und eigenen Beobachtungen gezeichnet.
Mukabaki no sho
Mukabaki no sho
Memoirs of Ichthyosauri and Plesiosauri extinct monsters of the ancient earth : with twenty-eight plates copied from specimens in the author's collection of fossil organic remains
Memoirs of Ichthyosauri and Plesiosauri extinct monsters of the ancient earth : with twenty-eight plates copied from specimens in the author's collection of fossil organic remains
A natural history of the Crinoidea, or, Lily-shaped animals : with observations on the genera, Asteria, Euryale, Comatula & Marsupites, illustrated with fifty coloured plates
A natural history of the Crinoidea, or, Lily-shaped animals : with observations on the genera, Asteria, Euryale, Comatula & Marsupites, illustrated with fifty coloured plates
The earth delivered from the curse, to which it is, at present, subjected : a sermon occasioned by the late earthquakes in Spain and Portugal, as well as New-England; and preached at the Boston-Thursday-lecture, January 22, 1756. Published by the general
The earth delivered from the curse, to which it is, at present, subjected : a sermon occasioned by the late earthquakes in Spain and Portugal, as well as New-England; and preached at the Boston-Thursday-lecture, January 22, 1756. Published by the general
Jishin nendai-ki.
Jishin nendai-ki.
Monumenta aere perenniora, inter astra ponenda.
Monumenta aere perenniora, inter astra ponenda.
Discorso istorico-filsofico sopra o il tremuoto : che nella notte del di 24 venendo il 25. dicembre dell'anno 1786, dopo le ore 9., d'Italia scosse orribilmente la città di Rimini, e varj paesi vicini
Discorso istorico-filsofico sopra o il tremuoto : che nella notte del di 24 venendo il 25. dicembre dell'anno 1786, dopo le ore 9., d'Italia scosse orribilmente la città di Rimini, e varj paesi vicini
Mukabaki no sho
Mukabaki no sho