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(1 - 20 of 31)
The First Oil Well in Oklahoma
President Eisenhower's Inauguration Address, Jan. 1952, Part 2
First Capital of Oklahoma and Oklahoma's First Day as a State
President Eisenhower's Inauguration Address, Jan. 1952, Part 1
Taming the Wind
Jesse Chisholm, Frontier Trader
Oklahoma's First School System
Epaphras Chapman, First Missionary to the Osage, Side A
Oklahoma's First Governor
Josiah Butler and The First School for Kiowa-Comanche Children
The First Non-Indian Court
The First Lead and Zinc Mines in Oklahoma
The First Airplane Flight in Oklahoma
Oklahoma's First Cotton Plantations
Irrigation Project
The First Grist Mill in Oklahoma
The First Factories in Oklahoma
The First Coal Mine in Oklahoma
Closed Session
Last Indian Uprising in Oklahoma